Refrigerant Lubricant
EmkarateTM RL polyol ester lubricantshave become synonymous
with qualityand reliability. It is acknowledged thatover 400 million
compressors have beenfilled with EmkarateTM RL – moreimportantly this equates to hundreds ofthousands of years of successful fieldoperation.
As refrigeration technology movesforward there is an even greater demandfor enhanced lubricant performance andreliability. Uniqema leads the way bycontinuing to invest in synthetic lubricanttechnology in order to meet the demandsof the market and its customers.
Subsequent innovations anddevelopments in technology havepermitted improvements to the lubricantformulations and led to the creation of theEmkarateTMRL “H” range ofpolyol esters.
The following table acts as a guide to selection of theappropriate viscosity lubricant for the “H” range.
Whether you need an approved synthetic lubricant forrefrigeration (ranging all the way up to very large commercialand industrial refrigeration systems) or air conditioning
(residential, commercial or transport), EmkarateTM RL is theonly name you need to know.
The range of EmkarateTM RL “H” lubricants provides quality,reliability, performance and peace of mind, both for original filloils and during retrofits.